12 Things That Scream Lower Class

Visible Financial Struggles: Using payday loans, living paycheck to paycheck, or frequently discussing financial difficulties.

Limited Access to Education: Lower levels of formal education or a lack of higher education credentials might be perceived.

Inexpensive or Worn Clothing: Wearing clothes that are visibly worn out, outdated, or purchased from discount stores might be seen as a sign of financial limitations.

Living in Low-Income Areas: Residing in neighborhoods known for lower property values, higher crime rates.

Reliance on Public Transportation: Using public buses or trains instead of owning a car might be viewed as an indicator of lower financial means.

Limited Social Capital: Having fewer social connections, especially in higher-income or influential circles.

Poor Health and Limited Access to Healthcare: Visible signs of poor health, lack of dental care, or reliance on public health services.

Cheap or Processed Food Choices: Frequently buying fast food or low-cost, processed meals instead of fresh or organic options.

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