These natural-looking snacks are certainly delicious, but they're not as healthy as you might think.
"These soups might seem like a healthy option, but they're generally so calorie deficient that you'll be hungry again within an hour."
In fact, a study published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research suggested that cutting out olive oil or egg yolks from salad dressings inhibits our uptake of nutrients.
Reducing your fat intake might seem like a healthy choice, especially if you're addicted to buttery toast and sandwiches. However, studies show that completely depriving our bodies of fat isn't a good idea.
Seeds are powerhouses of nutrition – but often, they're used as a fig leaf for ultra-processed loaves to hide behind. Check the label of your favourite multi-seed or granary bread.
From deep-fried chicken strips to high-sugar dressings and oily baked croutons, the 'healthy' options available at pizza chains are often anything but.
Protein provides both fuel and building material for our bodies, powering essential functions and building and repairing tissues. Protein powders are a quick.