You might pay much more than you need to for car insurance. If you haven’t sought new quotes in a while, consider comparing car insurance options.
Downsizing is a common way retirees save a bunch of money, but that doesn’t mean you need to wait until you retire to choose a smaller home.
Inflation has caused food prices to soar, but there are plenty of ways to save money on groceries — now and during retirement.
You should aim to pay down your debt before retirement, starting with high-interest debt. Paying extra interest and late fees wastes your money.
Rebalancing your portfolio before and after you retire may help ensure your savings last. How you rebalance will depend on your retirement needs and when you need to begin making withdrawals.
Too many people waste money every month. You should review your recurring payments to ensure you aren’t paying for something you forgot about.
You may consider getting a side hustle or building passive income streams such as investments in high-paying dividend stocks. Passive income could help supplement Social Security when you finally retire.
Traveling to the store multiple times per week increases the odds you will make impulsive buys or stop to eat at a restaurant or drive-through.