8 Money Pits That Make Us Chronically Broke

Food Waste

Wilted veggies lurking in the fridge, expired items banished from the back of the pantry – it’s like throwing cash in the trash! Food waste isn’t just financially draining but is a significant contributor to climate change.

Expired Makeup and Skincare Products

Remember that expensive cream that promised the fountain of youth but ended up stashed in the back of a drawer? Beauty products don’t last forever.

Single-Use Items

Paper towels, plastic wrap, disposable coffee cups—there are so many things we use once and throw away. Not only is this wasteful for the environment, but it’s also a constant drain on your wallet.

Unused Gift Cards

Tucked away in drawers or buried in email inboxes, those forgotten gift cards are like lost money. While a lovely gift, it’s easy to lose track of them before they’re used, especially for stores you don’t frequent.

FOMO-Driven Entertainment

Feeling like you must participate in every social event, try out every trendy new restaurant, or see every hyped movie can seriously strain your budget.

Overpaying for Phone and Internet Plans

We rely on our phones and the internet for so much these days, but that doesn’t mean we should overpay for these essential services.

Late Fees and Interest Charges

Missed credit card payments and late library book returns—those seemingly small late fees and interest charges are surprisingly costly throughout the year.

“Healthy” Snacks and Drinks

Trendy wellness drinks, fancy protein bars, and packaged “healthy” snacks often come at a premium price. Simple whole foods and homemade snacks are far more cost-efficient (and often healthier!) alternatives.