8 Plants Whose Seeds Are Easily Available In Nature

Bell peppers

Bell peppers are not just delicious vegetables but the best part about them is that they have their seeds inside them. This makes the seeds easily accessible and can be easily removed to grow and propagate further.


While many think that Mint can only be grown with cuttings, that’s not true! This strong, fragrant herb can also be grown with seeds that are present in the small pods that develop after the plant flowers.

​Cherry tomato

Just like Bell peppers, Cherry tomatoes too have their seeds inside them. Simply slice open the cherry tomato and scoop out the little seeds from the inside.


Tulsi is a sacred Indian plant and is known for its spiritual and medicinal uses. Another great thing about growing a Tulsi plant is that the seeds of the plant are present near its flowers.


They can be harvested by allowing the plant to flower and then dry out, and that is when the seeds develop in clusters at the top of the plant.


The fragrant Italian leaf, Basil is versatile and used in many ways. Its seeds are present within the dried flower heads and are harvested once the flowers have wilted and turned brown.


To get sunflower seeds, allow the flower heads to mature and dry out and then as the back of the flower head turns brown, a gentle rub will release the seeds.


Zinnias are colourful flowers that add a touch of brightness to any garden. Their seeds are easy to collect once the flower heads have dried out and only require some plucking.