8 Things You Should Stop Spending Money On Now


Sure, the thrill of winning a large sum of money can be appealing, but there’s a reason why big casinos are flush with money.


One smoker offers his advice, saying, “Please don’t start this horrible addiction. I would love to save the hundreds of dollars a month I spend on packs of smokes.

Luxury Cars

Sure, the thrill of winning a large sum of money can be appealing, but there’s a reason why big casinos are flush with money.

Fancy Weddings

Weddings are events you will remember and cherish for the rest of your life. Still, more couples are advocating for smaller, cheaper weddings than the huge events of the past.

Designer Clothes

There is nothing more self-confidence-boosting than feeling good in your clothes. A nice suit or dress may be required for business meetings.

Delivery Fees

Almost anything can be delivered to your doorstep these days. The convenience may cost you a pretty penny as those delivery fees stack up.

Diamond Jewelry

Did you know that diamonds are a depreciating asset? It’s true. Diamonds look nice and hold sentimental value, but will never bring back a return on your investment.

Detoxes and Cleanses

Some people might claim they do, but most health experts agree they are a waste of money. The body can detoxify itself without these special cures.