In the African wilderness, the call of the Chacma baboons is a well-known sound. These social creatures use a repertoire of over 30 vocalizations to communicate with their troops.
The coquí frog may be small, but its nighttime chorus is mighty, hitting 90-100 dB. These vocal little amphibians are a beloved symbol of Puerto Rico, serenading islanders with their distinct 'ko-kee' sounds.
The oilbird might be small but its 100 dB nocturnal echoes illuminate the darkest caves. Using clicks for echolocation, this night navigator turns pitch-black caverns into acoustic marvels.
The gray wolf's howl, ranging from 90 to 115 dB, isn't just spooky; it's a call to the wild. These majestic creatures use their powerful howls to communicate across vast territories and keep the pack united.
Hyenas are known more for their laughter which hits a mammoth 112 dB level. This cackling chorus is a key part of the savanna's soundscape, used for communication within their complex social structures.
The lion's roar, reaching 114 dB, is the very sound of majesty and might. As the king of the jungle, this big cat uses its powerful voice to establish territory and communicate with the pride.
The ostrich's powerful 114 dB call booming across the savanna is undoubtedly a sound to behold. The largest bird on Earth uses its deep, resonant voice to communicate over large distances.
The peacock's call, a mix of beauty and volume, hits the 115 dB level! It's unmistakably loud and proud. These elegant birds use their calls to communicate and, during the mating season, to impress.