The Annual Salary You Need To Earn To Be In The Top 1% In Every US State

West Virginia: $435,302

To be one of the wealthiest West Virginians, you 'only' need to earn a shade over $435k a year.

Mississippi: $456,309

Mississippi has the second lowest threshold for sneaking into their very elite.

New Mexico: $493,013

The desert state of New Mexico is the third and final US state where the top 1% of earners bring in an average of less than half a million dollars a year.

Kentucky: $532,013

If you earn more than $532,000 year in your high-paying job, you can move to Kentucky, home of The Derby, and find yourself part of the state's aristocracy.

Arkansas: $550,469

If your job nets you $550,500 or more in a year and you live in The Toothpick State, you're a top 1%er, congrats!

Oklahoma: $559,981

45th on the list is the gas and crude oil-rich state of Oklahoma.

Indiana: $572,403

Rich Hoosier State residents have to earn over $572,403 every twelve months in order to stand out from the other big earners.

Alabama: $577,017

Want to be a top 1% type in this southeastern state? You can do so with less money coming in than if you lived in 42 other states.