You Could Make Money Reselling These 8 Items From Dollar General

Book sets

Rather than just buying a book here or there, consider buying several books to complete a series or package books together in a collection.

Seasonal items

Seasonal items are a great thing to purchase, especially if you buy them after the holiday is over and they are selling at an extra discount.

Party theme items

At Dollar General, you can buy Diving Gem Pool Toys in the summer to sell as part of a mermaid-theme party pack in November, when the items might not be in stock.


In particular, keep your eyes peeled for movies that may have a cult following, aren’t on streaming services, or appeal to an older audience who may not use streaming services.

Discontinued items

Their loss could be your gain if you know which items to look for. Fans of those products may be willing to pay a premium to buy the item from you online when they can no longer get it at their local store.

Gift box items

Bundling items can be an easy way to package them for resale. Or, you can buy a few more things to make decorative gift boxes with themes.

Shop the deals

Your local Dollar General can offer additional discounts on items when they are on sale for a limited time.

Items for tourists

If you live by a beach with warm weather year-round — or in a mountain area that attracts plenty of tourists — pick up some items that tourists may need and sell them as a bundle locally to make some extra cash.