You'll Never Want To Eat These Foods Again After Reading This


You’ve probably heard of Jamaica’s national dish, ackee and saltfish, which features pieces of the fruit cooked with salted codfish.


Every year health warnings are issued against eating fesikh, a fermented and salted fish dish traditionally eaten during the Egyptian spring festival Sham el-Nessim.


Used to make tapioca, fries, cake and bread, the root crop cassava is a great source of carbohydrate. However, when raw it contains the poison cyanide.

Raw cashews

If you love to snack on cashew nuts, you may be surprised to see them on this list. But in their raw, unprocessed state, cashews contain urushiol which is a chemical also found in poison ivy.

Cherry stones

Chewing on a cherry, apricot or peach stone or the pips from an apple should be avoided, because they contain a compound that turns into cyanide in the body.


Jellyfish might be famous for their nasty sting, but they're also eaten around the world. However, it must be a species that's edible for humans and it must be prepared correctly.

Casu marzu

Most of us love a slice of cheese, but creamy casu marzu is created by leaving pecorino (a hard cheese similar to Parmesan) out for cheese flies, which lay their eggs inside the rind.


Purple-black berries that grow on elder trees in Europe and America, elderberries have historically been used to treat winter colds and flu.